Diabetic Diet Tips

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) two years ago released a statement that over 100 million Americans are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Since then, the numbers have not shown much improvement. Diabetes can be broken down into two categories, type 1 and type 2. In short, type 2 diabetics can make some insulin and/or the body is resistant to making insulin while type 1 diabetic people have trouble making any insulin at all. The lack of insulin affects how well your body can break down sugar (glucose), causing potential damage to organs like the heart, eyes, nerves, and kidney.

Type 2 diabetes is more prominent than type 1 diabetes; however, it is easier to maintain and control. There is no cure for diabetes, but there are certainly ways to diminish its impact on the body. Some of the contributing factors for diabetes include being overweight, a lack of exercise, poor diet, genetics, and age to name a few. Common symptoms include frequent trips to the bathroom, blurred vision, slow healing sores, frequent infections, fatigue, and areas of darkened skin around the neck and armpits. If any or all these symptoms ring true, below are two of the best ways to combat type 2 diabetes and get rid of those pesky insulin shots:

1. Greens are your best friend

Whole grains, vegetables and fruits may not be your favorite foods, but they can really help your body run properly since they are low in fat and high in fiber. Avoid the greasy foods when possible and find ways to add greens into your diet; these small changes will make a massively positive difference to your body within a short amount of time.

2.  Foods that won’t spike blood pressure

Good choices include poultry, lean meat, avocados, salad vegetables, fish and eggs. Eat these foods to balance your carbs intake.

3. Check the small print

Food labels tell you a lot about your foods, read them. Too much saturated fat, sugar, and carbs should be a red flag. The leaner the food, the better.

4. Plant fat is good fat

Olive oil and canola oil should be your best pals. Both are abundant in mono saturated fat and canola oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a fat that is great for heart health.

5. Drink smarter

Watch alcohol, calories, and sugar, they are a disservice to your health. The more water you drink, the better. If water is too “dull” for you, try a fizzy drink that is not sweetened. This may take some time getting use, but you can do it.

6. Get your body moving

The benefits of exercise are too much to ignore, and too much to put into a small paragraph. Aiming for 30 to 60 minutes a day is preferable with few breaks in between. Be sure to mix this new routine with a balanced diet; the two in conjunction will always do better than focusing on one alone. If you start to lose motivation, remember to focus on the benefits of exercise; such as improved self-esteem, increased energy, and a healthier heart.

7. Go low carb

Focusing on a diabetic diet that is low on carbs and low on sugar allows your body to digest food more efficiently and effectively. Combined with an exercise regime that can reduce the amount of fat in your body, increase your metabolism, and reduce stress levels means you will be fighting diabetes head on. Take back control of your body and stop allowing the chronic disease to affect your life. These changes may not be easy to make, but a strong mind and a positive attitude can really go a long way.